When George Stone — a Clemson Baseball alumnus — retired, he turned to his longtime passion: fine art.

Clemson University
When George Stone — a Clemson Baseball alumnus — retired, he turned to his longtime passion: fine art.
With a resume as varied as it is impressive, Deborah Conklin is the epitome of a ‘fearless leader.’
USAID’s chief innovation officer Mohame Abdel-Kader is the link between research and real-world impact.
Baltimore/Washington, D.C., Clemson Club honors Gen. John Raymond
Take a stroll through Bergen, Norway, with local Brandon Mellin ’08 and discover the best spots of the city.
One Clemson mom finally got a ring photo worth waiting for.
Do you know the proper way to taste wine? Let wine enthusiast Paul Mims ’71, M ’73 show you how.
Kathy Sexton has been many students’ “stand-in mom and cook” over the years. Now, she can add Mother of the Year to her name.
The Snelsire, Sawyer, Robinson Clemson Career Workshop Gala was held last October to recognize individuals whose efforts helped the program become the success it is …
John Witherspoon Gilpin recently donated $1 million to establish the John Witherspoon Gilpin, M.D. ’82 Distinguished Professorship in Bioengineering.