Italy: Mac Devine ’88 and Karen Devine
Mac and Karen Devine on top of the dome of St Peter’s in Vatican City looking out over the city of Rome.
Mac and Karen Devine on top of the dome of St Peter’s in Vatican City looking out over the city of Rome.
Sidney Able ’78 and daughter Lauren Johnson ’07 visit Machu Picchu during her spring break from graduate school.
Andrew Gardner ’13 and Kelsie Houck ’13 are pictured at Tiger Kingdom, right outside the city of Chiang Mai, Thailand. The couple went on a two-week trip to Thailand to celebrate Kelsie graduating from Clemson’s Master’s of Accountancy program back August 2014.
Harvey Younginer ’62 and his wife took at trip to Nashville over the holidays. They took at steamboat trip up the Mississippi river and visited several of the theaters and shows in the city. On one of their excursions, they ran into country star Steven Whitson, pictured here with Harvey. Go Tigers!
William “Bill” Whitfield ’65, Nina (Riley) Nordin ’85 and Lauren Nordin ’17 visited Nicaragua with Chosen Children’s Ministries.
Tiger siblings Stephen, Sarah, and Carlene Vance visit their parents who live in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, during the winter holidays. Encountered locals who recognized the Tiger Paw on 12/30/14 and said they watched Clemson beat Oklahoma in the bowl game the night before.