
Utah: Steel Bridge Team National Competition

The attached photo is of the 2015-2016 Steel Bridge Team atop the “Y” in Provo, Utah. The “Y” is a famous landmark for students and alumni at BYU. We were there competing in the ASCE National Competition of Steel Bridge Teams. There were 48 schools from 5 different countries. Our team took first place in the regional competition (for the second year in a row) back at the end of March to earn our position at Nationals. We took 23rd out of 48 this year at Nationals, of course we expected nothing less than #1! Nevertheless that was the result and we are honored to have had the opportunity to attend.
The Steel Bridge Team is a creative inquiry for Civil Engineering majors. We designed, fabricated, and painted the bridge all on our own. Which is not all that common among all the schools in the nation believe it or not. A lot of schools contract professional fabricators or machine shops to design and build their bridges. However, we as Clemson students hold ourselves to the highest standard, “The Best”.
In the picture the members are (from left to right): Dr Weichiang Pang (advisor), David McCullough 16′, Jonathon Broyles 18′, Joe Capriola 16′, Nathan Flaugher 17′, Mike Chute 16′, Shawn Waters 16′, Tom Sharp 17′, Ryan Hull 17′, and Nick Andryusky 17′. Not pictured are Nora 16′ and Taif Albayati 18′. They were unable to attend because they were visiting family out of the country, but are still very much apart of the team.
Some links about the competition, the “Y”, and our Facebook page if you are interested.